Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ancient Japan

The Kamakura period (1186 - 1333) is herald by the location of political power in Kamakura, located about 28 miles southwest of Tokyo. The Imperial court gave gratitude to the de factor rule of Minamoto Yoritomo by confer on him the title shogun after he defeated the Taira family in 1185 positively in the battle of Dan no Ura. Yoritomo recognized his base in Kamakura. The Kamakura bakufu tent administration was Japan's foremost military or warrior government. The bakufu prohibited the country through a system of appointed governors and state wards. The bakufu's major area of control was in the eastern zone far from Kyoto, where the ruler still lived. Warrior bands which had previously been under the rule of Kyoto gave their commitment to the Minamoto and the system of bakufu rule.

This shift in political authority marks the beginning of the medieval period in Japan, and period that lasted roughly until the commencement of the 17th century. This political change had long-term effects; although various clans held power through the ages, the shogunate form of government lasted awaiting the 19th century give way of the Tokugawa in 1868.

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